The JavaScript ecosystem isn't only limited to libraries and frameworks. There're all these small utilities we are using every day, including bundlers for code packaging and text editors for writing our code.

In addition, we also wanted to know which new browser APIs were gaining traction; and yes, as crazy as it might sound it turns out some of us also use languages that aren’t JavaScript!

Other Languages

Other Languages

Browser APIs

Browser APIs

Build Tools

Build Tools

Utility Libraries

Utility Libraries

Text Editors

Text Editors

Become a VSCode Power User

After 10 years with Sublime, I switched to VSCode. Love it. Spent 1000+ hours building a premium video course to help you switch today. 200+ power user tips & tricks turn you into a

Webpack 4 Fundamentals

Learn the core concepts of Webpack 4. Start from scratch by adding Webpack with npm and build up a pipeline with popular loaders from the Webpack ecosystem!
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