

40k stars
Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform

Meteor's Popularity Over Time

Meteor's Popularity Over Time

Never heard of it
Heard of it, not interested
Heard of it, would like to learn
Used it, would not use again
Used it, would use again

Most Disliked Aspects of Meteor

Most Disliked Aspects of Meteor

Most disliked aspects of Meteor among developers who picked “used it and would not use again”.

Which Tools Are Used Alongside Meteor?

Which Tools Are Used Alongside Meteor?

Libraries most likely to be used by developers who picked “used it and would use again” for Meteor. Darker color means a stronger correlation.

JavaScript Flavors
Front-end Frameworks
Data Layer
0RdRedux1GqGraphQL2RyRelay/Relay Modern3ApApollo4MxMobX
Back-end Frameworks
Mobile & Desktop
0EElectron1RnReact Native2CvCordova3NsNativeScript4IoIonic5NaNative Apps

Meteor Usage by Country

Meteor Usage by Country

On average, 4.6% of respondents have used Meteor and would be happy to use it again.

Countries where this ratio is higher are shown in red, those where it's lower are displayed in blue (countries with fewer than 20 total survey respondents are omitted).